Things to know before going to a doctor

This resource gives you information and tips to know before visiting a doctor.

Things and Tips to know before visiting a doctor

Many a times we visit the doctor for the smallest of troubles. A simple cough and cold. A simple fever.

But did you know that small and low grade fevers are necessary. The doctor may very much welcome you and may also say that it was good that you came to the clinic so that proper medicine be given and proper injections be taken otherwise the Cold and Fever may have had increased. He gives you a prescription and says, give me my fees!

But was it really necessary? Did you know that your body has its own Immunity which is an inbuilt disease fighting mechanism? Did you know that your immunity system can also fight the big diseases when it has a strong support system and back up in the form or food, energy and good Climatic Conditions? Did you know that many of the colds and coughs and fevers are just a slight derangement or indispositions which can be cured by changes in diet, regimen, hygiene only?

Yes, it is very much possible to reduce your bills you spend every month on health and medicines by following a few steps.

Check the resources below to get more knowledge about our health.

Things to know before visiting a Doctor

Cough and Cold - A Required Phenomenon

Low Grade and High Grade Fevers


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