Dysentery and Body Flux - Inflammation of the Stomach and Intestine

This article presents information about Dysentery also known as Body Flux and gives information about Signs and Symptoms of Dysentery and its Treatment

Many conditions of the body and disturbances in Normal rhythm and Function causes a disturbance in the Stomach and Intestines or which is more commonly known as Gastro-Intestinal Tract and thus can lead to various affections of which one of the common diseases is Dysentery.

Dysentery - The Body Flux

Inflammation of the Mucus membrane, the inner lining of the Stomach and the Intestines along with passage of loose stools with or without blood along with Fever and Pain in Abdomen is characteristically known as Dysentery.

Dysentery in origin is not a dangerous disease but if left unchecked and un-treated, can lead to fatal diseases.

Classification of Dysentery Disease

Dysentery has been classified under

International Classification of Diseases ICD - 10 : - Sections A03.9, A06.0, A07.9
International Classification of Diseases ICD - 09 : - Sections 004, 007.9, 009.0

Medical Subject Headings MeSH : - D004403

Signs and Symptoms of Dysentery

In the developed parts and countries of the world, Dysentery is manifested as :

- Mild illness
- Mild pain in Stomach
- Frequent passage of stools (Feces)

The troubles are seen after one to three days of catching up the infection in the Intestines, and generally subside after one week of infection.

Frequency and Severity of Dysentery

Dysentery can vary according to the severity of infection and the pathogen or the micro-organism causing the infection. On the amount of infection, depends the desire and urge to pass stools (feces), amount or volume of stools being passed and the presence of mucus and blood in the feces.

Complications of Dysentery

There is a transient and temporary loss of Lactose and along with it, the person cannot tolerate Lactose in any form of food; for example Milk and Curd; which in turn aggravate the conditions of the patient.

If the infections causing Dysentery is severe, then the further complications of Dysentery can complicate into:

- Vomiting of Blood
- Severe pain in Abdomen
- Fever
- Shock
- Delirium


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