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  • Category: Query about Free health channel

    Varicose vein disease

    What is the best treatment for varicose vein problem apart from sugery?
  • #2641
    Dear Arvind,
    Thanks for the suggestions, it's very informative.I have seen many patients simply live with it. The suggestions made by you are not so prevalent. However, considering to its rare treatment in allopathy, I think your suggestions are really helpful.
    Abdul waheed

  • #2642
    There is herbal preparation
    available in Kerala for treating
    Vericose.The name of the preparation is
    "UMA".The manufacturer claims this preparation is equally
    useful for pile a,vericose vien and nasal polyps.

    You can buy this medicine online too
    The website is :
    By post : 0484-3062345

    Mohamed Salim

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